klick hier ….. > BK-Gladbeck Online-Meeting starten

[jsqr msg=”https://meet.jit.si/bkgladbeck”/]

$DCounter = date(“d. M Y G:i”);
echo $DCounter;
echo “

echo “Ihre IP-Adresse ist: ” . $client_ip;

$FilePointer2 = fopen(“count650.txt”, “a+”);
fwrite ($FilePointer2,”\n”);
fwrite ($FilePointer2,”**********************************************************************”);
fwrite ($FilePointer2,”\n”);
fwrite ($FilePointer2,”Besucher Datum.” . $DCounter);
fwrite ($FilePointer2,”\n”);
fwrite ($FilePointer2,”Besucher Nr.” . $Counter);
fwrite ($FilePointer2,”\n”);
fwrite ($FilePointer2,”Ihre IP-Adresse ist: ” . $client_ip);
fwrite ($FilePointer2,”\n”);
fwrite ($FilePointer2,”Ihr HTTP_USER_AGENT lautet:\n “.$_SERVER[‘HTTP_USER_AGENT’]);
fwrite ($FilePointer2,”\n”);
// returns “City, State” if found otherwise defaults to “Unkown Location”

$details = json_decode(file_get_contents(“http://ipinfo.io/{$ip}/json”));
//fwrite ($FilePointer2,Ihre Stadt ist:\n ” . $details->city); // -> “Mountain View”

$ip = $client_ip;

// Use JSON encoded string and converts
// it into a PHP variable
$ipdat = @json_decode(file_get_contents(
“http://www.geoplugin.net/json.gp?ip=” . $ip));

fwrite ($FilePointer2, ‘Country Name: ‘ . $ipdat->geoplugin_countryName . “\n”);
fwrite ($FilePointer2, ‘City Name: ‘ . $ipdat->geoplugin_city . “\n”);
fwrite ($FilePointer2, ‘Continent Name: ‘ . $ipdat->geoplugin_continentName . “\n”);
fwrite ($FilePointer2, ‘Latitude: ‘ . $ipdat->geoplugin_latitude . “\n”);
fwrite ($FilePointer2, ‘Longitude: ‘ . $ipdat->geoplugin_longitude . “\n”);
fwrite ($FilePointer2, ‘Currency Symbol: ‘ . $ipdat->geoplugin_currencySymbol . “\n”);
fwrite ($FilePointer2, ‘Currency Code: ‘ . $ipdat->geoplugin_currencyCode . “\n”);
fwrite ($FilePointer2, ‘Timezone: ‘ . $ipdat->geoplugin_timezone);
fwrite ($FilePointer2,”\n”);